Analyst Upgraded Stocks on the TSX March 2025

March 20, 2025

Analyst Upgrades

Companies are upgraded when at least one analyst has upgraded their view on the stock, therefore increasing its average consensus value. Companies can get upgraded for a number of reasons, including improved future earnings potential due to new contracts, new products, cost savings or restructuring.

TSX Venture Exchange

The TSX Venture Exchange is a stock exchange headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It is an exchange for the securities of early-stage businesses.

About the Data

This table includes the number of analyst ratings along with the number of buy-hold-sells on the company. A company is included in this list when its mean rating increases from the previous week.

How do you use this table?

Companies that have recently been upgraded tend to have potential for future gains. Use this table as a starting point for more research on these companies. Stocks with analyst coverage also tend to have higher visibility in the marketplace, therefore have the potential to be more liquid. Stocks in this category are generally held for capital appreciation or growth potential.

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SymbolNameBuyOutperformHoldUnderperformSellNo OpinionMean RatingPrev Mean LabelMean Label
ATX ATEX Resources Inc 3 2 0 0 0 0 4.6 4.5 Buy
ITR Integra Resources Corp 3 2 0 0 0 0 4.6 4.5 Buy
LTH Lithium Ionic Corp 1 3 0 0 0 0 4.3 4.2 Outperform
FL Frontier Lithium Inc 3 1 1 0 0 0 4.4 4.3 Outperform
NET.UN Canadian Net REIT 2 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 4.3 Buy
All data provided as at market close March 12, 2025.

Company Details

ATEX Resources Inc




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Mean Label


ATEX Resources Inc is a minerals exploration company engaged in the acquisition and development of properties located in Chile and Colombia in South America. In addition, the firm also holds an interest in Valeriano Property and other Exploration Projects. The Company is focused on delineating and growing the copper-gold porphyry resource underlying a surface oxide gold deposit.

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Integra Resources Corp




Mean Rating


Prev Mean Rating


Mean Label


Integra Resources Corp is a precious metals exploration and development company in the Great Basin of the Western USA. Integra is currently focused on advancing its two flagship oxide heap leach projects: the past-producing DeLamar Project located in southwestern Idaho and the Nevada North Project, comprised of the Wildcat and Mountain View deposits, located in northwestern Nevada.

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Lithium Ionic Corp




Mean Rating


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Mean Label


Lithium Ionic Corp is a Canadian junior exploration company focused on developing commercial-grade lithium. It owns a 100% ownership interest in the Itinga lithium project. It operates a single operating segment, which is mineral exploration and evaluation in Brazil.

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Frontier Lithium Inc






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Mean Label


Frontier Lithium Inc is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of mining properties. The company has a land position on Electric Avenue, Ontario's newly emerging premium lithium-metal district hosted in the Canadian Shield of northwestern Ontario. The company projects include the PAK Lithium Project, Spark Deposit, Bolt Pegmatite, and Pennock Pegmatite.

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Canadian Net REIT




Mean Rating


Prev Mean Rating


Mean Label


Canadian Net REIT is an open-ended trust that acquires and owns high-quality triple net and management-free commercial real estate properties. The Trust operates in one segment, commercial real estate located in Canada.

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Analysts upgraded ATEX Resources and Integra Resources on the TSX this month. See the full list of analyst upgrades on the blog:
ATEX Resources $ATX and Integra Resources $ITR upgraded on the #TSX this month. See the full list of upgrades:
Analysts upgraded ATEX Resources and Integra Resources on the TSX this month. See the full list of analyst upgrades on the blog:

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