Undervalued Small-Cap Stocks on TSX March 2025

March 24, 2025

TSX Venture Exchange

The TSX Venture Exchange is a stock exchange headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It is an exchange for the securities of early-stage businesses.

Small, Micro and Nano-Cap

Stocks in the Small, Micro and Nano Market Cap groups have a market capitalization of less than $2 billion.

Our Valuation

A stock is considered undervalued if it trades at a discount to our valuation. To determine a stock’s intrinsic value, we developed an algorithm that uses 6 valuation models to determine the value of a company.* To learn more about stockcalc’s valuation methods, click here.

Undervalued stocks on the TSX

Stocks in this category are held primarily for potential income and capital appreciation.

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SymbolNameClose Price ($)Valuation ($)Difference (%)Average Vol (30D)Market Cap ($M)Yield (%)P/E Ratio
AFE Africa Energy - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 0.0
AFM Alphamin Res - - 0.00 - 0 17.65 6.2
AFR AFR NuVenture Resources - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 0.0
AIS A I S Resources - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 0.0
AMT Ameritrust Financial - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 0.0
ANTL Antler Gold - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 0.0
APL Appulse - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 0.0
ARH Altima Energy - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 0.0
ATX ATEX Resources - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 0.0
AUUA Aluula Composites - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 0.0
All data provided as at market close March 23, 2025.

Company Details

Africa Energy


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Africa Energy Corp is an Canadian based oil and gas exploration company focused on South Africa. The company has exploration assets in South Africa and Namibia. The operations of the company include Block 11B/12B and Block 2B in South Africa as well as Petroleum Exploration License 37 in Namibia.

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Alphamin Res


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Alphamin Resources Corp is engaged in the business of production and sale of tin concentrate from the Bisie Tin mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The company considers its business to consist of one reportable operating segment, the production and sale of tin from its Bisie tin mine.

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AFR NuVenture Resources


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AFR NuVenture Resources Inc is an exploration stage company. It is engaged in the exploration and evaluation of assets. The Company operates in one reportable segment, which is the exploration and evaluation of mineral assets in North America. The company's project includes the New Brunswick project and the silver bell-st. Lawrence mineral exploration project.

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A I S Resources


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A I S Resources Ltd is an exploration company. It has focused on the evaluation of mineral properties. It acquires prospective exploration projects and enhances their value by defining the mineral resource with a view to attracting joint venture partners and enhancing the value of its portfolio. The company is exploring gold projects located in prolific Australian gold mining regions.

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Ameritrust Financial


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Ameritrust Financial Technologies Inc is a technology provider. It has developed a powerful suite of cloud-based transaction platforms to buy, sell, trade, finance, and lease new and used vehicles, which includes real-time appraisal services, market information, and financing solutions.

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Antler Gold


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Antler Gold Inc is a Canada based company engaged in the exploration and development of mineral properties. Its projects include the Erongo gold project and others.

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Appulse Corp along with its subsidiaries is engaged in selling new and refurbished centrifuge machines and parts. It provides maintenance services, consulting, and design advice to industries throughout North America and internationally. The company also manufactures parts using machining and milling equipment and provides machining services for equipment repairs.

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Altima Energy


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Altima Energy Inc is a junior energy company engaged in the exploring and developing oil and natural gas assets in Western Canada. It is exploration in regions such as the Deep Basin of West Central Alberta and Rainbow Lake in Northwestern Alberta.

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ATEX Resources


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ATEX Resources Inc is a minerals exploration company engaged in the acquisition and development of properties located in Chile and Colombia in South America. In addition, the firm also holds an interest in Valeriano Property and other Exploration Projects. The Company is focused on delineating and growing the copper-gold porphyry resource underlying a surface oxide gold deposit.

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Aluula Composites


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Aluula Composites Inc is a manufacturer of composite materials. It specializes in the production of lightweight and high-performance composite materials for various applications, including the wind sports, outdoor, sailing, and aerospace markets. The company utilizes various manufacturing technologies, such as 3D printing, to produce its composite materials and components.

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Africa Energy and Alphamin Res are the most undervalued Small-Cap stocks on the TSX. See which other companies made the list here: https://www.stockcalc.com/Blog/undervalued-small-cap-stocks-tsx-march-2025
Africa Energy $AFE and Alphamin Res $AFM are the most undervalued Small-Cap stocks on the #TSX. See the full list here: https://www.stockcalc.com/Blog/undervalued-small-cap-stocks-tsx-march-2025
Africa Energy and Alphamin Res are the most undervalued Small-Cap stocks on the TSX. See which other companies made the list here: https://www.stockcalc.com/Blog/undervalued-small-cap-stocks-tsx-march-2025

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