Undervalued Small-Cap Growth Stocks on NAS July 2024

July 09, 2024

Growth Stocks

A company is considered a growth stock when it has grown its revenue significantly in the latest quarterly report.


The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (Nasdaq) located in New York City, is the most active stock exchange by volume in the United States.

Small, Micro and Nano-Cap

Stocks in the Small, Micro and Nano Market Cap groups have a market capitalization of less than $2 billion.

Our Valuation

A stock is considered undervalued if it trades at a discount to our valuation. To determine a stock’s intrinsic value, we developed an algorithm that uses 6 valuation models to determine the value of a company.* To learn more about stockcalc’s valuation methods, click here.

Undervalued Growth Stocks

Stocks in this category are held primarily for capital appreciation and while they present upside opportunity, they also present downside risk.

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SymbolNameClose Price ($)Valuation ($)Difference (%)Average Vol (30D)Market Cap ($M)Yield (%)P/E Ratio
ARYE ARYA Sciences Acq Corp 10.36 11.14 7.56 64677 199 0.00 69.1
GPAC Global Partner 9.74 10.43 7.04 7798 93 0.00 0.0
ALPA Alpha Healthcare 9.79 9.87 0.78 317921 194 0.00 60.7
HHR HeadHunter Group 15.03 15.03 0.00 - 773 0.00 0.0
FMIV Forum Merger 10.36 8.83 -14.79 9683 373 0.00 0.0
SCAQ Stratim Cloud Acquisition 10.43 5.48 -47.42 43777 293 0.00 208.6
MEOA Minority Equality Opps 26.54 13.58 -48.83 - 114 0.00 28.5
AACG ATA Creativity Glb - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 0.0
AADI Aadi Bioscience - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 0.0
AAL American Airlines Gr - - 0.00 - 0 0.00 15.5
All data provided as at market close July 19, 2023.

Company Details

ARYA Sciences Acq Corp


Close Price


Our Valuation


% Difference


Market Cap ($M)


P/E Ratio


ARYA Sciences Acquisition Corp V is a blank check company.

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Global Partner


Close Price


Our Valuation


% Difference


Market Cap ($M)


P/E Ratio


Global Partner Acquisition Corp II is a blank check company.

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Alpha Healthcare


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Our Valuation


% Difference


Market Cap ($M)


P/E Ratio


Alpha Healthcare Acquisition Corp III is a blank check company. It is formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses.

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HeadHunter Group


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Our Valuation


% Difference


Market Cap ($M)


P/E Ratio


HeadHunter Group PLC is an online recruitment platform in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States region and focus on connecting job seekers with employers. The company offers employers and recruiters paid access to its CV database and job postings platform. It also provides job seekers and employers with services portfolio. The company gets engage with job seekers and employers via its own desktop sites, mobile sites and mobile applications.

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Forum Merger


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Our Valuation


% Difference


Market Cap ($M)


P/E Ratio


Forum Merger IV Corp is a blank check company.

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Stratim Cloud Acquisition


Close Price


Our Valuation


% Difference


Market Cap ($M)


P/E Ratio


Stratim Cloud Acquisition Corp is a blank check company. It is formed for the purpose of entering into a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses.

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Minority Equality Opps


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Our Valuation


% Difference


Market Cap ($M)


P/E Ratio


Minority Equality Opportunities Acquisition Inc is a blank check company.

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ATA Creativity Glb


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Our Valuation


% Difference


Market Cap ($M)


P/E Ratio


ATA Creativity Global is an international educational services company focused on providing quality learning experiences that cultivate and enhance students' creativity. The operating segments are Overseas art study services, Other educational services and K-12 education assessment and other services. Majority of its revenue comes from Overseas art study services.

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Aadi Bioscience


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Our Valuation


% Difference


Market Cap ($M)


P/E Ratio


Aadi Bioscience Inc is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing precision therapies for genetically-defined cancers. Aadi's primary goal is to bring transformational therapies to cancer patients with mTOR pathway driver alterations such as alterations in TSC1 or TSC2 genes, where other mTOR inhibitors have not or cannot be effectively exploited due to problems of pharmacology, effective drug delivery, safety, or effective targeting to the disease site.

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American Airlines Gr


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% Difference


Market Cap ($M)


P/E Ratio


American Airlines is the world's largest airline by aircraft, capacity, and scheduled revenue passenger miles. Its major US hubs are Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C. It generates over 30% of US airline revenue connecting Latin America with destinations in the United States. After completing a major fleet renewal, the company has the youngest fleet of US legacy carriers.

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ARYA Sciences Acq and Global Partner are the most undervalued Small-Cap growth stocks on the NAS. See the full list of undervalued growth stocks here: https://www.stockcalc.com/Blog/undervalued-small-cap-growth-stocks-nas-july-2024
ARYA Sciences Acq $ARYE and Global Partner $GPAC are the most undervalued Small-Cap growth stocks on the #NAS. See the full list: https://www.stockcalc.com/Blog/undervalued-small-cap-growth-stocks-nas-july-2024
ARYA Sciences Acq and Global Partner are the most undervalued Small-Cap growth stocks on the NAS. See the full list of undervalued growth stocks here: https://www.stockcalc.com/Blog/undervalued-small-cap-growth-stocks-nas-july-2024

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