Analyst Downgraded Stocks on the ASE March 2025

March 13, 2025

Analyst Downgrades

Companies are downgraded when at least one analyst has downgraded their view on the stock, therefore decreasing its average consensus value. Companies can get downgraded for a number of reasons but primarily due to reduced future earnings potential due to loss of contracts, faltering product lines, increasing costs relative to revenue or financial risk.

American Stock Exchange

NYSE American, formerly known as the American Stock Exchange (ASE), and more recently as NYSE MKT, is an American stock exchange located in New York City.

About the Data

This table includes the number of analyst ratings along with the number of buy-hold-sells on the company. A company is included in this list when its mean rating decreases from the previous week.

How do you use this table?

Companies that have recently been downgraded are viewed as having potential future losses. Use this table as a starting point for further research on these companies. Stocks with analyst coverage also tend to have higher visibility in the marketplace, therefore have the potential to be more liquid. Stocks in this category are generally sold to preserve capital or held as a short position.

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SymbolNameBuyOutperformHoldUnderperformSellNo OpinionMean RatingPrev Mean LabelMean Label
USAS Americas Gold And Silver Corp 0 1 0 0 0 0 4.0 4.5 Outperform
IAUX i-80 Gold Corp 2 2 1 0 0 0 4.2 4.6 Outperform
All data provided as at market close March 09, 2025.

Company Details

Americas Gold And Silver Corp


Mean Rating


Prev Mean Rating


Mean Label


Americas Gold And Silver Corp is a mining company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development, and production of precious metals mineral properties in Mexico and the United States. The company's primary operating assets are The Cosala operations, The Galena Complex, and Relief Canyon. The company also holds interests in the San Felipe Development Project located in Sonora, Mexico. It has geographic focus is the Western Hemisphere, particularly the United States and Mexico.

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i-80 Gold Corp






Mean Rating


Prev Mean Rating


Mean Label


i-80 Gold Corp is a well-financed gold and silver producer engaged in the exploration, development, and production of gold, silver, and poly-metallic deposits. The Company's principal assets include the Ruby Hill Mine, Lone Tree Mine, Granite Creek Mine, and McCoy-Cove Project.

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Analysts downgraded Americas Gold And Silver and i-80 Gold on the ASE this month. See the full list of analyst downgrades on the blog:
Americas Gold And Silver $USAS and i-80 Gold $IAUX downgraded on the #ASE this month. See the full list of downgrades:
Analysts downgraded Americas Gold And Silver and i-80 Gold on the ASE this month. See the full list of analyst downgrades on the blog:

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