Tag Archives: DAN

Antero Resources (AR:NYS) and Dana (DAN:NYS) Downgraded

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I have used the analysis tools on the website stockcalc.com to generate some of the content of this blog post. These tools and reports are available for free at www.stockcalc.com/toppicks.aspx.

Downgraded Stocks on NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, TSE, and TSX

Today we are looking at companies whose share price has been downgraded by at least one analyst in the last few days.

Why Do Companies Get Downgraded?

Companies can get downgraded for a number of reasons but primarily due to reduced future earnings potential due to loss of contracts, faultering product lines, increasing costs relative to revenue or financial risk.

In the list below you can see the number of analysts we have in the StockCalc database along with the number of buy-hold-sell on the company.

Today’s Data on NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, TSE, and TSX

Below we have today’s data for companies listed on all of the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, Toronto Stock Exchange, and TSX Venture Exchange.

New York Stock Exchange
Symbol Name Buy Out Perform Hold Under Perform Sell No Opinion Mean Rating Prev Mean Rating Mean Label
AR Antero Resources Corp 0 0 4 0 0 0 3.0000 3.2500 Hold
DAN Dana Inc 1 0 2 0 0 0 3.6667 4.0000 Outperform
LM Legg Mason Inc 3 0 2 0 1 0 3.6667 3.8333 Outperform
WOW WideOpenWest Inc 1 0 2 0 0 0 3.6667 4.3333 Outperform
VRS Verso Corp 0 1 0 0 0 0 4.0000 5.0000 Outperform
Toronto Stock Exchange
Symbol Name Buy Out Perform Hold Under Perform Sell No Opinion Mean Rating Prev Mean Rating Mean Label
AXR Alexco Resource Corp 1 2 0 0 0 0 4.3333 4.5000 Outperform
American Stock Exchange
Symbol Name Buy Out Perform Hold Under Perform Sell No Opinion Mean Rating Prev Mean Rating Mean Label
AXU Alexco Resource Corp 1 2 0 0 0 0 4.3333 4.5000 Outperform
NBY NovaBay Pharmaceuticals Inc 1 0 1 0 0 0 4.0000 5.0000 Outperform
Symbol Name Buy Out Perform Hold Under Perform Sell No Opinion Mean Rating Prev Mean Rating Mean Label
HTBI HomeTrust Bancshares Inc 1 0 1 0 0 0 4.0000 5.0000 Outperform

Let’s look at a few companies…

Lets look at a couple of the companies on this list to get a better understanding of them.

AR:NYS Antero Resources

Antero Resources has 593 employees and is headquartered in United States.
Antero Resources Corp is an independent oil and natural gas company, which acquires, explores, produces, and develops natural gas, natural gas liquids, and oil properties in the United States.


Dana has 30100 employees and is headquartered in United States.
Dana Inc provides technology driveline, sealing and thermal-management products for vehicle manufacturers in the light vehicle, medium/heavy vehicle and off-highway markets.

Free Valuation

Run a valuation on any of the companies listed above at www.stockcalc.com/valureport.aspx or subscribe at our Stockcalc Facebook Page to receive this list each day Stockcalc Reports.

The content presented here is in part from the website stockcalc.com and is provided on an as is or as available basis with all faults and may not be current in all cases. You should not rely on any of the information as authoritative or as a substitute for the exercise of your own skill and judgment in making an investment decision.

Mason Graphite (LLG:TSX) and Input Capital (INP:TSX) Are Undervalued

I have used the analysis tools on the website stockcalc.com to generate some of the content of this blog post. These tools and reports are available for free at www.stockcalc.com/TopPicks.aspx.

Undervalued Stocks on TSX

Today we are looking at companies that are considered undervalued based on the Analyst data in the StockCalc database.

In the table below we can see the close price and target price for these companies along with the number of analysts covering the stock. We also have included the fiscal year for the target price as sometimes these analyst targets are not for the current or even the next fiscal year.

There can be a number of reasons why a company would be on this list. What is particularly interesting are companies with a large analyst following that make this list. We need to dig deeper into these companies to understand why the difference in price versus target.

Today’s Data on TSX

Today’s data is for companies listed on the TSX Venture Exchange.

Symbol Name Target Year Close Price Target Price Mean Currency Target Price # of Estimates
SRX Storm Resources Ltd 2017 4.170000 6.3636 CAD 11
WED Westaim Corp 2017 2.750000 4.0333 CAD 3
OGI OrganiGram Holdings Inc 2017 2.550000 4.0300 CAD 5
CKG Chesapeake Gold Corp 2017 3.920000 5.2500 CAD 2
LLG Mason Graphite Inc 2018 1.340000 2.3000 CAD 2
INP Input Capital Corp 2017 1.710000 2.7200 CAD 5
MPH Medicure Inc 2017 8.990000 11.9833 CAD 3
FCF Founders Advantage Capital Corp 2017 3.350000 4.8750 CAD 4
FPC Falco Resources Ltd 2018 0.870000 1.7500 CAD 2
PRB Probe Metals Inc 2017 1.370000 2.5000 CAD 1
MMX Maverix Metals Inc 2017 1.400000 2.4000 CAD 1
RX Biosyent Inc 2017 7.490000 8.8750 CAD 2
AT AcuityAds Holdings Inc 2017 3.600000 4.4667 CAD 3
POE Pan Orient Energy Corp 2017 1.610000 3.4000 CAD 1
BLN Blackline Safety Corp 2017 3.000000 8.2500 CAD 1
M Mosaic Capital Corp 2017 10.000000 11.5833 CAD 3
DAN Arianne Phosphate Inc 2017 0.810000 1.7750 CAD 2
TTR Titanium Transportation Group Inc 2017 1.410000 2.6667 CAD 3
GFG GFG Resources Inc 2018 1.150000 2.1000 CAD 1
OLA Orla Mining Ltd 2017 1.100000 2.1500 CAD 2
PRN Profound Medical Corp 2017 0.910000 5.0000 CAD 2
CBX Cortex Business Solutions Inc 2017 3.490000 6.0833 CAD 3
EMC Emblem Corp 2017 3.290000 4.5000 CAD 2
RP RepliCel Life Sciences Inc 2017 0.890000 2.1500 CAD 1
ICC ICC International Cannabis Corp 2018 0.840000 2.1000 CAD 1

Let’s look at a few companies…

Lets look at a couple of the companies on this list to get a better understanding of them.

LLG:TSX Mason Graphite

Mason Graphite has None employees and is headquartered in Canada.
Mason Graphite Inc is engaged in exploration and evaluation of the Lac gueret graphite property located in Quebec, Canada.

INP:TSX Input Capital

Input Capital has 24 employees and is headquartered in Canada.
Input Capital Corp is an agriculture commodity streaming company focused on buying and selling canola from western Canadian farmers using streaming contracts. Streaming offers farmers improved crop marketing, production and working capital opportunities.

Free Valuation

Run a valuation on any of the companies listed above at www.stockcalc.com/valureport.aspx or subscribe at our Stockcalc Facebook Page to receive this list each day Stockcalc Reports.

The content presented here is in part from the website stockcalc.com and is provided on an as is or as available basis with all faults and may not be current in all cases. You should not rely on any of the information as authoritative or as a substitute for the exercise of your own skill and judgment in making an investment decision.

Westaim (WED:TSX) and Chesapeake Gold (CKG:TSX) Are Undervalued

I have used the analysis tools on the website stockcalc.com to generate some of the content of this blog post. These tools and reports are available for free at www.stockcalc.com/TopPicks.aspx.

Undervalued Stocks on TSX

Today we are looking at companies that are considered undervalued based on the Analyst data in the StockCalc database.

In the table below we can see the close price and target price for these companies along with the number of analysts covering the stock. We also have included the fiscal year for the target price as sometimes these analyst targets are not for the current or even the next fiscal year.

There can be a number of reasons why a company would be on this list. What is particularly interesting are companies with a large analyst following that make this list. We need to dig deeper into these companies to understand why the difference in price versus target.

Today’s Data on TSX

Today’s data is for companies listed on the TSX Venture Exchange.

Symbol Name Target Year Close Price Target Price Mean Currency Target Price # of Estimates
SRX Storm Resources Ltd 2017 4.250000 6.3636 CAD 11
WED Westaim Corp 2017 2.750000 4.0333 CAD 3
OGI OrganiGram Holdings Inc 2017 2.650000 4.0300 CAD 5
CKG Chesapeake Gold Corp 2017 4.070000 5.2500 CAD 2
LLG Mason Graphite Inc 2017 1.400000 2.3000 CAD 2
INP Input Capital Corp 2017 1.800000 2.7200 CAD 5
MPH Medicure Inc 2017 9.000000 11.9833 CAD 3
FCF Founders Advantage Capital Corp 2017 3.480000 5.0000 CAD 3
PRB Probe Metals Inc 2017 1.350000 2.5000 CAD 1
MMX Maverix Metals Inc 2017 1.440000 2.4000 CAD 1
FPC Falco Resources Ltd 2017 0.890000 1.7500 CAD 2
SIL SilverCrest Metals Inc 2017 2.430000 3.2500 CAD 1
RX Biosyent Inc 2017 7.550000 8.8750 CAD 2
AT AcuityAds Holdings Inc 2017 3.550000 4.4667 CAD 3
BLN Blackline Safety Corp 2017 3.070000 8.2500 CAD 1
DAN Arianne Phosphate Inc 2017 0.870000 1.7750 CAD 2
M Mosaic Capital Corp 2017 10.000000 11.5833 CAD 3
POE Pan Orient Energy Corp 2017 1.430000 3.4000 CAD 1
TTR Titanium Transportation Group Inc 2017 1.360000 2.6667 CAD 3
GFG GFG Resources Inc 2017 1.260000 2.1000 CAD 1
OLA Orla Mining Ltd 2017 1.270000 2.1500 CAD 2
JSE Jadestone Energy Inc 2018 0.490000 1.3000 CAD 2
PRN Profound Medical Corp 2017 0.970000 5.0000 CAD 2
CBX Cortex Business Solutions Inc 2017 3.310000 6.0833 CAD 3
ICC ICC International Cannabis Corp 2018 0.850000 2.1000 CAD 1

Let’s look at a few companies…

Lets look at a couple of the companies on this list to get a better understanding of them.

WED:TSX Westaim

Westaim has 304 employees and is headquartered in Canada.
Westaim Corp is a Canadian investment company engaged in providing long-term capital to businesses operating within the financial services industry. It provides its shareholders with capital appreciation and real wealth preservation.

CKG:TSX Chesapeake Gold

Chesapeake Gold has 30 employees and is headquartered in Canada.
Chesapeake Gold Corp is a mining company. It is engaged in the exploration, development and recovery of precious metals.

Free Valuation

Run a valuation on any of the companies listed above at www.stockcalc.com/valureport.aspx or subscribe at our Stockcalc Facebook Page to receive this list each day Stockcalc Reports.

The content presented here is in part from the website stockcalc.com and is provided on an as is or as available basis with all faults and may not be current in all cases. You should not rely on any of the information as authoritative or as a substitute for the exercise of your own skill and judgment in making an investment decision.

OrganiGram Holdings (OGI:TSX) and People (PEO:TSX) Are Undervalued

I have used the analysis tools on the website stockcalc.com to generate some of the content of this blog post. These tools and reports are available for free at www.stockcalc.com/TopPicks.aspx.

Undervalued Stocks on TSX

Today we are looking at companies that are considered undervalued based on the Analyst data in the StockCalc database.

In the table below we can see the close price and target price for these companies along with the number of analysts covering the stock. We also have included the fiscal year for the target price as sometimes these analyst targets are not for the current or even the next fiscal year.

There can be a number of reasons why a company would be on this list. What is particularly interesting are companies with a large analyst following that make this list. We need to dig deeper into these companies to understand why the difference in price versus target.

Today’s Data on TSX

Today’s data is for companies listed on the TSX Venture Exchange.

Symbol Name Target Year Close Price Target Price Mean Currency Target Price # of Estimates
SRX Storm Resources Ltd 2017 4.250000 6.4091 CAD 11
WED Westaim Corp 2017 2.880000 4.0333 CAD 3
OGI OrganiGram Holdings Inc 2017 2.720000 4.0300 CAD 5
PEO People Corp 2017 4.490000 5.2500 CAD 3
CKG Chesapeake Gold Corp 2017 4.100000 5.2500 CAD 2
INP Input Capital Corp 2017 1.850000 2.7200 CAD 5
LLG Mason Graphite Inc 2017 1.340000 2.3000 CAD 2
FCF Founders Advantage Capital Corp 2017 3.450000 5.0000 CAD 3
PRB Probe Metals Inc 2017 1.430000 2.5000 CAD 1
MMX Maverix Metals Inc 2017 1.500000 2.4000 CAD 1
FPC Falco Resources Ltd 2017 0.950000 1.7500 CAD 1
RX Biosyent Inc 2017 7.510000 8.8750 CAD 2
SIL SilverCrest Metals Inc 2017 2.450000 3.2500 CAD 1
AT AcuityAds Holdings Inc 2017 3.640000 4.4667 CAD 3
DAN Arianne Phosphate Inc 2017 0.910000 1.8750 CAD 2
M Mosaic Capital Corp 2017 10.100000 11.5833 CAD 3
POE Pan Orient Energy Corp 2017 1.440000 3.4000 CAD 1
NTS Nanotech Security Corp 2017 1.180000 2.0000 CAD 1
TTR Titanium Transportation Group Inc 2017 1.390000 2.6667 CAD 3
GFG GFG Resources Inc 2017 1.150000 2.1000 CAD 1
JSE Jadestone Energy Inc 2018 0.530000 1.3000 CAD 2
OLA Orla Mining Ltd 2017 1.300000 2.1500 CAD 2
PRN Profound Medical Corp 2017 0.910000 5.0000 CAD 2
CBX Cortex Business Solutions Inc 2017 3.350000 6.0833 CAD 3
ICC ICC International Cannabis Corp 2018 0.870000 2.1000 CAD 1

Let’s look at a few companies…

Lets look at a couple of the companies on this list to get a better understanding of them.

OGI:TSX OrganiGram Holdings

OrganiGram Holdings has 53 employees and is headquartered in Canada.
OrganiGram Holdings Inc through its subsidiary is engaged in the production of medical marijuana in Canada.

PEO:TSX People

People has 600 employees and is headquartered in Canada.
People Corp is engaged in the delivery of employee group benefit consulting, pension consulting and third-party benefits administration services, recruiting services, strategic human resources consulting and career management services.

Free Valuation

Run a valuation on any of the companies listed above at www.stockcalc.com/valureport.aspx or subscribe at our Stockcalc Facebook Page to receive this list each day Stockcalc Reports.

The content presented here is in part from the website stockcalc.com and is provided on an as is or as available basis with all faults and may not be current in all cases. You should not rely on any of the information as authoritative or as a substitute for the exercise of your own skill and judgment in making an investment decision.